In order to effectively empower ministers we focus on three primary offerings.

What We Offer
Worker | Applicant desires to labor in full cooperation with, and under supervision of their pastor or any local ABofC church.
Licensed Minister | Applicants must be presently engaged in the ministry as full-time evangelist, assistant pastor, elected or appointed official.
Ordained Minister | Applicants must be actively engaged in the ministry. We encourage all pastors to hold Credentials.
Credential and Ministerial Licensed Ministers are recognized in all states to administer marriage vows. License must be filed at the local county clerk's office.
The primary expression of the ABofC is in a local church — whether in a local community or on the missions field. As a members-first non-profit association, we are able to provide Federal Exemption coverage to the US-based local churches of our members. Local Churches led by ABofC-member Pastors may apply for their church to become an Affiliate Church — recognized by the IRS under the ABofC's 501c3 Group Coverage. The purpose of this coverage is for Federal Tax Exemption only, giving member churches the ability to receive tax-deductible donations.
Fellowship, accountability, and resources are vital to the overall health and wellbeing of any minister. The ABofC exists to provide these offerings to all its members. Our annual General Conference connects ministers of “like precious faith” and allows opportunities for networking and idea-sharing as well as a retreat for spiritual refreshing. We also have an annual Missions Conference that allows our missionaries to give a report on their mission works. Whether our ministers serve at home or on the mission field, our goal is to facilitate events that leave our member ministers feeling empowered, renewed, and refocused.

Benefits of ABofC Membership
Fellowship with people of like minded Faith
Connection with new and old friends
Networking of ministries
Sharing of resources and knowledge
National and local conferences
An association not an organization or denomination
Very reasonable financial dues
Blanket IRS coverage for churches and ministers
Structure yet, freedom
Support through difficult times
Accountability with mutual respect and honor
Become a part!
Membership Application Process
click here for church affiliation
Fill out an application online by clicking the link below.
Applicants may also choose to download an Application Packet, complete and mail with supporting documentation to the General Secretary Treasurer.
The approval process for each applicant includes review by the applicant’s Pastor, State Presbyter (where applicable), and a Credentialing Committee.
Once approved, the applicant will be notified and will be able to submit payment for licensure dues.
Following the receipt of payment, membership materials will be sent to the member’s mailing address as completed on the application.
Individual Membership
Worker | $100 annually
Licensed Minister | $250 annually
Ordained Minister | $300 annually
Credential and Ministerial Licensed Ministers are recognized in all states to administer marriage vows. License must be filed at the local county clerk's office.
Church Affiliation
$300 annually
Credential and Ministerial Licensed Ministers are recognized in all states to administer marriage vows. License must be filed at the local county clerk's office.
Local Churches
The primary expression of the ABofC is in a local church - whether at home or on the missions field. As a members-first non-profit association, we are able to provide Federal Exemption coverage to the US-based local churches of our members. Church Renewal Forms and Fees are due March 1st of each year. Failure to submit forms within ninety (90) days of the due date will result in the resignation of your Affiliated Church Status and may require an application for reinstatement.