That we
may all


of Christians

Since the birth of the ABofC in 1933, our mission has been to connect the body of Christ through fellowship, accountability, and shared resources to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world around us.
Our aim and goal is three fold:

The Associated Brotherhood of Christians was born out of a desire to unite Christians, that we may all be one in Christ through love and forbearance.
For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body,
so also is Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12

To create accountability for the ministry through mutual respect and honor

To network and share resources to be used among the ministry and churches for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God

In order to effectively support and empower ministers we focus on three primary offerings:
01 | Credentialing
The ABofC is an association made up of member ministers.
We offer three levels of credentialing: Worker, Licensed Minister, and Ordained Minister.
02 | Covering
We offer unique benefits to churches who are seeking 5019(c)3 tax exemption through our Group Exemption “umbrella” status with the IRS. We also provide relational covering through fellowship, encouragement, prayer, and accountability.
03 | Conferences
The ABofC actively seeks to compile and share resources as well as provide opportunities for fellowship and relationships. In addition to our annual General Conference, we also hold a Missions Conference, and other regional conferences throughout the year.
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The Associated Brotherhood of Christians was born out of a desire to create a brotherhood among Christians everywhere, willing to accept the ethical principles of Romans 14. We endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit, until we come into the unity of the faith, respecting the sincere convictions of fellow ministers and fellow Christians in regard to any doctrines or ethics on which we may not agree.
The birth of this association traces its root to the early latter day Pentecostal movement that began in the late 19th century.

Rev. Dee Jay Shoulders
Dee Jay and Karla Shoulders have served as pastors of First Apostolic Church in Nashville, TN since 2003. He was elected chairman of the national board in July of 2017. In addition to serving as Senior Pastor at FAC, he also serves as a police chaplain for the Metro Nashville Police department.
Rev. Richard Burks
Richard and Pam Burks have served as pastors of Pentecostal Apostolic Church since 2006. He has been affiliated with the ABofC for over 34 years, attending his first Camp Mulberry in 1971. He has served as vice-chairman of the national board since being elected in July of 2017.

Rev. Stacy Lisenbey
Stacy and Jennifer Lisenbey have served as pastors of Jesus Name Church in Plainview, AR since 1998. He was elected National Secretary Treasurer in July of 2016. He has been affiliated with the ABofC since 1993.
Rev. Dee Stone
Dee and Kim Stone have served as youth pastors of Jesus Name Church in Plainview, AR since 2006. He was elected National Youth Director in July of 2019. He also serves as the director of Camp Mulberry, the ABofC youth camps.

Rev. Clifton Beecher
Clifton and Jeana Beecher served as pastors at Crosspoint Tabernacle in Franklin Kentucky, a church they started in 2008 in a store front building. In 2018, they began serving Crosspoint Tabernacle as Bishop. The Beecher’s have served the ABofC as National Youth Director for 12 years and in 2020 were elected as Missions Secretary for the Association.
Rev. Richard Humphreys
Richard Humphreys has served as an Ambassador to the ABofC since 2016. He has been a member of the ABofC for over 36 years. He currently serves as a lay minister at Grace Apostolic Church in Hot Springs, AR.

Ashley Perry
Ashley Perry has served as Vice President of the Ladies Auxiliary since 2018. She also serves with her husband as Senior Pastors of Crosspoint Tabernacle in Franklin, KY where she also serves as Worship Pastor.
Aaron Wojcik
Aaron Wojcik has served as promotional arms Director since July 2021. He has served the ABofC working at Camp Mulberry for over 22 years. He currently leads the small group ministry at First Apostolic Church in Nashville, TN.

Ashley Ennis
Ashley Ennis has served as editor of the ABofC publication Our Herald since July of 2021. She has been a member of the ABofC since 2018. She also serves as the Women's Minister at Jesus Name Church in Plainview, AR as well as serving at Victory Mission Bible Training Center, an addiction center in Center Ridge, AR.